Tuesday 6 November 2012

Artist preparation before a recording session

Here's a few things to keep in mind before turning up to a recording session;

- Rehearse beforehand. If you don't take your personal rehearsal time seriously, you'll most likely think you're a better musician than you actually are. The proof is in the pudding when you try and explain why your performance sucked. "Fix it in the Mix?" how about just perform well?

- Don't catch a cold. It's true. 25% of new vocalists turn up to their first recording session with a cold and proceed to spit their germs around the studio meanwhile delivering a crappy performance and feeling stink about it. Stay healthy before your session.

- New strings. Replace your guitar strings and strum them in the day before your session.

- Warm your vocals up. Scales, humming, breathing, vocal gymnastics, whatever your technique is, start warming up your vocals in the car on the way to the studio.

- Paper. Don't forget your script, notation, scrapbook, diary etc.

- Alcohol. This can make or break a recording session. Think seriously about how pissed you want to sound on your recordings. It will most likely be a wasted session if you cant remember your parts and keep your performance tight.

- Groupies. Leave the groupies at home (or the park), where ever they came from. They will only serve as a distraction in the end. Artists can't be free to deliver their best performance  when they are conscious of "looking cool" for the groupies through the studio glass.

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